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The Ultimate Guide to Options Trading 

Options Roadmap is not just made up of concepts; it also outlines detailed and actionable trading strategies to help you take your trading to the next level, whether you are new to trading or a seasoned veteran.

  • Live educational videos sent to you each morning, showing you market basics, strategies, how to enter trades, how to exit trades, how to manage risk, and so much more.
  • Daily market commentary and research on options and futures trades, including some must-know basics if you are starting out.
  • The tastytrade Learn Center, an all-inclusive way to learn about different concepts associated with options and futures trading and how you can apply them.
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At the beginning of a new year, a lot of people are focused on their finances - and we want to change the conversation from parking money with a passive advisor to getting into strategic active investing,” says Tom Sosnoff, co-CEO and Chairman of tastytrade, Inc. He adds, "MoneyShow shares our vision of empowering the self-directed investor and trader, so partnering with them is the next natural step."

— Tom Sosnoff, Co-CEO & Host on tastytrade.com